a man sitting slouched at his desk

Ways for EH&S to Address Sitting Disease

In today’s digital age, sedentary lifestyles are becoming the norm. Extended periods of sitting, often tagged as “Sitting Disease,” have been pinpointed in numerous research studies as detrimental to overall health, going beyond just musculoskeletal concerns. Findings consistently reveal a troubling connection between extended sitting and an uptick in mortality rates. This has stirred apprehensions amongst employers and employees alike, leading them to search for solutions that mitigate the risks associated with desk jobs. This article will delve into three technological interventions that EH&S can employ to counteract the impact of this growing concern. Continue reading to grasp a comprehensive understanding of these strategies and how they can be effectively implemented in your organization.

How Does Sitting Disease Affect the Body?

Known as “sitting disease,” extended periods of inactivity might be detrimental to our overall health in more ways than just causing musculoskeletal discomfort. When one remains seated for too long, the body’s metabolic rate may slow down, leading to reduced calorie burning and impaired processing of sugars and fats. This, over time, can potentially lead to weight gain, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, and other metabolic syndromes. Reduced blood circulation is another concern, which might have implications for cardiovascular health and muscle function. Additionally, sitting for long periods can weaken our leg and gluteal muscles, reducing overall muscle tone and strength. Hormonal imbalances, due to reduced physical activity, might also play a role in increasing the risk of certain diseases.

Searching for ways to change your work environment in order to optimize your employees? Contact us today.

How Does Sitting Disease Affect Your Spine?

The spine is one of the primary structures that bears the consequences of prolonged sitting. When we sit, especially if not maintaining an ergonomic posture, the lumbar region, or the lower back, often gets compressed. This compression might lead to chronic back pain, disc degeneration, or even herniated discs. Additionally, a forward-leaning posture, commonly adopted during computer use, can force the muscles ofthe cervical or neck region work harder. Over time, this might result in persistent neck pain, stiffness, and even conditions like cervical spondylosis. Essentially, prolonged sitting without proper support and posture can be detrimental to the entire spinal column. The misalignment may also affect the surrounding muscles and ligaments, leading to further complications. Engaging in postural checks and adjusting one’s position frequently can help alleviate some of these issues.

How Do You Prevent Sitting Disease?

a man working in slouched posture at his desk sitting

Addressing sitting disease necessitates a proactive approach. Here are some strategies that may help:

  • Introduce Movement: Break long periods of sitting with short bouts of movement. This could be as simple as standing up and walking around for a few minutes every hour. Regular movement can help in boosting metabolism and improving blood circulation.
  • Ergonomic Workspaces: Ensure that workstations are set up ergonomically, promoting good posture and reducing lstress on the spine. Proper chair and table height, as well as screen and keyboard placement, can make a significant difference.
  • Use Sit-Stand Desks: These desks provide the flexibility to switch between sitting and standing postures frequently throughout the day. However, it’s essential to be educated about the proper adjustments in each position.n. Studies have shown that these desks can effectively reduce back and neck pain, and also improve productivity.
  • Regular Stretching: Simple quick stretching exercises can help alleviate muscle tension and promote circulation. Regular breaks to perform these brief stretches can rejuvenate the body and reduce feelings of stiffness.  But if you only have time for movement OR stretching, choose movement!

How Do You Reverse the Effects of Sitting Too Long?

While the term “sitting disease” suggests a chronic condition, it’s not an irreversible state. With consistent efforts to move more, maintain proper posture, and engage in regular exercise, one can mitigate and even reverse many of the adverse effects associated with prolonged sitting. However, it requires continuous awareness and a commitment to integrating movement into one’s daily routine. While desk jobs might require prolonged periods of sitting, with proactive measures, we can ensure that this does not compromise our health and well-being. Encouraging a culture of movement and prioritizing well-being can make a significant difference in how we approach our work and life.

in addition to the pointers above, these several strategies might help reverse its impact:

  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular aerobic activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises can help counteract the effects of sitting if done in short bouts, e.g. 5-10 min at a time, throughout the work shift. Exercise is essential to improving heart health and maintaining or enhancing muscle function and strength.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water helps maintain muscle function, maintain cerebrospinal fluid, and promote circulation. Proper hydration also aids in flushing out toxins from the body and ensures the efficient functioning of our organs.
  • Ergonomic Awareness: Be conscious of your posture. Sitting correctly, with feet flat on the floor and the back supported, can reduce strain on the spine. Investing in ergonomic tools such as lumbar supports can also be beneficial.
  • Physical Therapy: For those already experiencing pain or discomfort due to prolonged sitting, consulting with a physical therapist might be beneficial. They can provide exercises and techniques to alleviate pain and improve posture. Personalized plans ensure that individuals address their specific problem areas effectively.

Interested in learning and moving toward best ergonomics practices? Checkout our blog today.

Prioritizing Health in the Office with EH&S

a person sitting while at work

The sedentary nature of modern office work is presenting unprecedented challenges to our health and well-being. The perils of the so-called “sitting disease” are many fold, impacting not just our spine but our metabolic rate, cardiovascular health, and overall muscle function. As EH&S professionals, it’s imperative to proactively address these issues and cultivate an office environment that encourages movement, proper posture, and holistic well-being.

At ErgoFit Consulting, we are dedicated to ensuring that workspaces are not just efficient, but also conducive to the health of all employees. Through ergonomic assessments, tailored solutions, and actionable advice, we can transform your office into a space that prioritizes the well-being of its occupants. Don’t let prolonged sitting compromise the health of your team. Check out how ErgoFit Consulting can help you optimize your office work environment today.

Related Link: Do YOU have Cybersickness?