Office / Tech / Home Office
"Employees at non-adjustable workstations were found to generate 20 times the workers' compensation costs of employees at user-adjustable workstations with access to a proactive ergonomics program that included professional ergonomic evaluations, in a 2011 study of 6,200 employees across three sites over 3 years. Adding in additional costs for HR time, facilities staff time, retrofitting workstations, and lost employee productivity makes the argument for a proactive ergonomic program even stronger!" Imagine YOUR ROI! [Kay, G. "Evidence: Investing in Adjustable Workstations Produces Healthy ROI," Ergonomics Today (August 2011)].
We offer a wide range of ergonomics consultation and training services for employees, managers, and full departments from short preventative visits to ADA or after injury accommodations.


Through our comprehensive software, surveys, and workstation evaluations, not only do we identify problem areas, we also provide customized and effective recommendations at all levels of the organization.
ErgoFit’s Comfort Zone™ Office Ergonomics Software powered by Adapt
Our cloud-based SaaS, using ErgoFit’s approach, could be your breath of fresh air and move your organization toward standardized global best practices! Robust dashboard analytics allow you to prioritize your resources, while the program capabilities allow you to centralize your ergonomics program and standardize your training and workflow.
Features a Self-survey that can include the Home Office setting. Each employee’s survey responses then provides immediate individualized self-help tips and access to our full training library. We can even add your own training topics, integrated with your LMS.
The system allows refresher/reminder communications for drip training, ergonomic assessment reports, case or workflow management, custom training and equipment lists, and simple dashboard management to prioritize your resources.
Contact us for a demo.
“Survey-Only” Option
The survey itself even acts as a training tool, provides your employees with individualized self-help tips based on their unique survey answers, and each employee also gets access to the full training library for 30 days from seat activation. The risk score results allow us to triage and schedule Full Virtual Ergonomic Evaluations for those in the High Risk category, and schedule Virtual Ergo Screens or Phone coaching for those in the Medium Risk category.
We will provide you with an analytical report after your survey as well. This includes understanding percentage of your population as follows:
- High risk, medium risk, and low risk
- Body areas with discomfort
- Discomfort frequency
- And more…
Ergo Phone Coaching (no report)
(25 minutes per person video call)
These are best for non-complex early intervention or chronic conditions. Our consultants video call (Zoom or WhatsApp phone apps preferred) your employees and provide advice on working postures, practical home office set-up ideas, and equipment suggestions your employees can buy if they are interested (or we work with your approved standards). Our primary priority is to help them use what they have available to improve their current set-up. Employees choose their own appointment slot from our calendar link. We will not generate reports for this rapid response service, but we can provide you a list of names if required. We will invoice you weekly.
Virtual Ergo Screen (aggregate report)
(30 minutes per person video call)
These are best for non-complex early intervention or chronic conditions. Our consultants video call (Zoom or WhatsApp phone apps preferred) your employees to evaluate their workstation and suggest immediate adjustments for the highest risk conditions. Typically 3 issues (maybe 4) can be addressed. Within 10 business days after the end of the month, we will deliver an aggregated spreadsheet that identifies each employee’s general concerns, and additional recommendations for you to follow up on, if there are any. Depending on volume, we will either schedule person by person, or provide you with an on-line calendar for employees to self-select. Please Note: For those who end up having complex issues, a 2nd virtual appointment may be required.
Virtual Full Ergonomic Evaluation
(45 – 60 minutes (video call))
This is a virtual version of our On-Site Ergonomic Evaluation, appropriate for those with a known injury or diagnosis or seeking medical/allied health treatment. We aim to schedule the appointment to occur within 1-2 weeks of first contact with the employee. Prior to the consultation, we send out a symptom survey and request specific photos and workstation measurements via our how-to guide. Our consultants video call (Zoom or WhatsApp phone apps preferred) your employees. To start the evaluation, we review the symptom survey with the employee. We then employ an educational approach and suggest immediate adjustments as appropriate for the reported concerns or discomfort. Within 10 business days of the evaluation, we provide a comprehensive report including the employee concerns, intervention details, photos, and additional recommendations. Occasionally, we will request photos following the consultation to ensure appropriate changes were made. We also provide two brief remote case management follow-ups (at 2 weeks and 8 weeks), and circle back to you to close the case; and if there are lingering issues, we will follow up directly with the employee to try to resolve (up to 10 min. phone call) – all at no additional charge!
Onsite Full Ergonomic Evaluation
(45 – 60 minutes onsite)
Choose our full ergonomic evaluation for an employee who has an injury, chronic discomfort, medical condition, or is seeking medical or allied health treatment. We aim to schedule the appointment to occur within 1-2 weeks of first contact with employee. We send out a symptom survey and consent form prior to the appointment, then review with the individual onsite. We employ an educational approach, make immediate adjustments as able and as appropriate to past or current reported discomfort, and provide a comprehensive handout. Within 10 days of the evaluation, we provide a comprehensive report including the employee concerns, intervention details, before and after photos, and additional recommendations. We also provide two brief remote follow-ups (at 2 weeks and 8 weeks), and circle back to you to close the case; and if there are lingering issues, we will follow up directly with the employee to try to resolve (up to 10 min. phone call) – all at no additional charge!
Onsite Ergo Screens (aggregate report)
(up to 25 minutes per person onsite)
These are best for non-complex early intervention or chronic conditions. Our consultants meet with each employee for up to 25 min. each to evaluate their workstation and employ immediate adjustments for the highest risk conditions. Typically, 3 issues (maybe 4) can be addressed. Within 10 business days of the screens, we will deliver an aggregated report that identifies each employee’s general concerns, and additional recommendations for you to follow up on, if there are any. A 4-person minimum is required, and one evaluator can see 14-16 employees on average. In some cases, we can send more than one evaluator at a time. For more than 4 employees, we recommend using our on-line self-select appointment system. Please Note: For those who end up having complex issues, a 2nd visit or virtual appointment to finish the assessment may be required.
Onsite Ergo Sweeps (aggregate report)
(as needed per person onsite)
Great service as part of your “Welcome Back To The Office” program! These are fluid, mini, individual ergonomic consults, where the evaluator spends as much time as necessary with each person to employ immediate coaching on work habit and positioning adjustments for the highest risk conditions we identify. Within 10 business days of the sweeps, we will deliver an aggregated report that identifies each employee’s concern and additional recommendations for you to follow up on, if there are any. Additional days may be added if needed.
ADA Accommodation Evaluation
(1.5 – 3 hours onsite or virtual)
If an employee has an injury or disability requiring accommodation or careful attention to reduce the cause of or aggravating factors, choose our most extensive evaluation. We will follow the same process outlined in the Ergonomic Evaluation and the report has a similar content structure to the Ergonomic Evaluation Report.
Health Fair Consults
(20 minutes onsite or virtual)
Our team of experts offers high impact 20-min. one-on-one ergonomic and/or wellness consultations on a sign-up basis at health fairs. Ergo consultations include office or home ergonomic education. Wellness consultations include general fitness and nutrition education, with bioelectrical impedance body fat testing and interpretation available on-site only.
Anonymous Musculoskeletal Symptom Survey
Are your essential staff working extra-long or extra hard hours and under stress? Administered anonymously to employees, this company-wide symptom survey pinpoints areas and intensity of discomfort associated with various job tasks. Our experts analyze the data and provide a summary of findings prioritizing areas of focus to reduce risk factors. These surveys facilitate the assessment and identification of potential musculoskeletal concerns, so that corrective actions can be implemented.

We provide an array of high impact injury prevention and health and wellness "edutainment" to motivate behavioral change and innovation at all levels of your organization, from the individual employee to the decision-makers.
Live Ergonomic Workshops & Webinars
Home Office Ergonomics Webinar Training
This live webinar can include photos of your employees’ home setups, pre-submitted questions, and during-webinar Q&A. The focus is on practical, temporary improvements to improve working postures and reduce discomfort. We focus on fixes that are commonly available rather than focusing on furniture or equipment.
What to Aim For! ©
(onsite or webinar)
In this 45 to 60-minute live presentation, we will walk your employees through our Workstation Adjustment Guide handout, using live demonstrations at the front of the training room. This workshop has been very popular because there is no PowerPoint; instead, it is human-powered! Our instructor will explain in practical terms, verbally and through demonstration, the various ergonomic guidelines and postures your employees should be aiming for -- given the equipment functionality you currently have. They will return to their workstation with a step-by-step guide and are encouraged to “buddy up” to make adjustments. This is an especially impactful workshop when it is followed up with our Screens service 2-3 weeks later.
Mobile Ergo Clinic
(onsite or webinar)
This customized workshop teaches employees the common ergonomic challenges associated with working in café’s, on airplanes, in hotels, and at home, with tablets, phones, and laptops. Employees will learn some simple solutions to improve comfort and productivity.
Sit – Stand Training
(onsite or webinar)
This 30-45 min. customized workshop teaches employees why it is important for them to maximize the equipment your company has invested in, ergonomics principals for their sit – stand workstations, and how to make adjustments with the equipment you have installed. We will focus on the work surface height and review some general keyboard, mouse and monitor guidelines specific to standing postures.
Chair Clinic! ©
(onsite or webinar)
This 45 to 60-minute hands-on workshop teaches people how to fit their own chairs to themselves. Attendees bring their chairs with them (or at least one chair for every 2 people if onsite).
Protect Your Body! ©
(onsite or webinar)
This customized or general workshop focuses on safe mechanics of the whole body - including the back, neck, shoulder, arms, and legs. We review the symptoms and causes of cumulative trauma and how to reduce the risks associated with those aches and pains. Lifting techniques will be demonstrated and practiced.
Digital Ergonomic Training Support Materials
ErgoFit’s Comfort Zone™ Office Ergonomics Software powered by Adept
Our cloud-based SaaS, using ErgoFit’s approach, could be your breath of fresh air and move your organization toward standardized global best practices! Robust dashboard analytics allow you to prioritize your resources, while the program capabilities allow you to centralize your ergonomics program and standardize your training and workflow. Self-survey can include the Home Office setting. Training features include personalized training tips, access to our full library of training topics, customization of your own training topics, integration with your LMS, and training communication directly from the software on specific topics. Contact us for a demo.
Office Ergonomics Training Handout Bundle
Our comprehensive collection of ADA compliant self-help handouts is the perfect go-to resource to get you started on your ergonomic journey, to support employees after one of our workshops, or to build up your internal network drive resource library! They allow employees to independently make workstation adjustments following ergonomic guidelines. This can be the simplest and fastest resource for your employees to refer to frequently. The “Quick Check” can identify issues needing internal or professional support.
This ADA compliant set includes:
- Office Ergonomics “Quick Check” Checklist
- Telecommuting / Work From Home Guide
- Workstation Adjustment Guide
- Chair Adjustment Guide
- Shortcut Keys Handout
- Sit-Stand Guide
- Mobile Ergo Guide
Pre-Recorded What to Aim For! ©
(pre-recorded webinar)
In this 30-minute pre-recorded webinar, we review the highlights of how to ergonomically set up a workstation. Our instructor explains in practical terms, verbally and through some demonstration, the various ergonomic guidelines and postures your employees should be aiming for -- given the equipment functionality you or they currently have. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network.
Top 3 Most Egregious Office Ergonomics Crimes! ©
This professional pre-recorded 9.5-min video was created with a sense of humor for a client’s Town Hall meeting. It covers the risks of and solutions for over-reaching, neck movements, and eye strain. This video can be uploaded to your internal network drive.
Home Office Ergonomics Training Videos
A collection of home-office style video trainings that correlate to the content in our Office Ergonomics Training Handout Bundle, for those who are more visual and/or auditory learners. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. The 5 short video clips (2 – 5 min., average 2-3 min.) cover the following:
- Chair adjustment
- Keyboard placement and use
- Mouse placement and use
- Laptop placement and use
- Monitor placement and use + Lighting
Corporate Office Ergonomics Training Videos
A collection of video trainings primarily for a corporate setting, with a few Home Office tips. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. These short videos cover the following:
- Chair adjustment
- Chair use
- Chair – Desk interaction
- Desktop Forearm Support
- Armrest Forearm Support
- Free-Floating Arms (tray style)
- Keyboard and mouse
- Monitor
- Lighting & eye health
- Cell phone & tablet
- Sit/Stand
Shared Desk Ergo Tips Cards & QR Code
To support your employees’ ergonomic health at shared workstations, we provide a digital file of the most important general tips for adjusting one’s workstation at the start of the workday which is great for posting in common areas, along with a QR code for cell phone access from each workstation. For an additional charge, we can print laminated Tips and/or laminated QR codes for however many workstations you need, and even install them for you.
Office Ergonomics Digital Tips & Tricks Posters
This unique collection of 24 co-branded posters that can be printed and posted and/or uploaded to your system provides “drip training” facility-wide. This sustained training helps improve work habits and shift culture over time. Change out the posters throughout your facility once a month, for a dynamic 2-year refresher training program!
The set includes:
- Chair Adjustment
- Armrests
- Desktop Keying
- Keyboard Tray
- Monitor Height
- Float While Typing
- Wrist Pressure
- Neutral Postures
- and many more…
Remote School Ergonomics Toolkit ©
(webinar and resources)
This Toolkit is intended to support your working parents – by guiding them (and their children) on setting up safe workstations for children’s remote learning! This program can be uploaded to your internal network drive and includes the following:
- Intro Video
- Video Webinar w/ embedded video snippets
- Risks & Solutions Guide (includes common item solutions)
- Vetted Equipment & Furniture Resources
Optional Add: Virtual Phone Coaching Sessions for Parent & Child
Office Ergonomics Train the Evaluator Refresher Monthly Clinics
For those who have been through our 3-day full course. Every month, we will deliver a time-limited link to a 30-45 min. pre-recorded Office Ergonomics Clinic that will focus on a particular aspect or topic of office ergonomics. You can correlate our Monthly Ergo Tips & Tricks Posters to each month’s topic. Included in this program is a monthly 15 min. call with one of the ErgoFit consultants for live Q&A. The 12 monthly topics are:
The Business Case for Ergonomics
Signs There is an Ergonomic Issue, What to Do About it, & When to Refer
Overall Workstation Set Up & Neutral Postures
Quick Check as a self-Assessment and Coaching Tool
Chair Adjustment Clinic
Keyboard/Mouse Adjustment Tips + Desktop vs. Tray
Monitor Adjustment Tips
Mobile Ergo
Peripherals & Lighting
Sit-Stand Considerations
Lifting Tips for the Office & Mobile Office Worker
Home Office special considerations or challenges
Wellness Workshops & Webinars
Progressive General Conditioning Program ©
When employees have not exercised for more than two weeks, they have likely lost some physical capacity. After three months, however, the losses can be significant if they have not been keeping up a regular maintenance exercise routine at least 1-3 days per week. General re-conditioning of strength and endurance to address overall health is a critical component to having healthier employees. We offer general overall conditioning of basic muscle groups, common movement patterns, and general endurance for walking & standing. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. Terms of Use Agreement required. Our program includes the following:
- An introductory manual explaining the purpose of the program and offering guidance on how to progress through the conditioning program.
- Body weight activities with common household items.
- Videos of each activity and its Levels are part of this package.
Loop Band Strength Conditioning! ©
To rebuild basic strength and combat sedentary time, we provide nine basic strengthening activities (4 upper body, 5 lower body) that anyone can do throughout the day with their employer-provided loop bands. Resistance bands are portable, easy to use and great for achieving strength gains. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. Terms of Use Agreement required. Our program includes the following:
- An introductory manual explaining the purpose of the program and offering guidance on how to progress through the conditioning program.
- Videos of each activity
Live Stretch Breaks! ®
(webinar or onsite)
WHO: All employees
LENGTH: 60 minutes
Employees can benefit from performing a few stretches every day to keep blood circulating, improve postural imbalances, and decrease effects of static, heavy, and repetitive movement. These brief stretches are designed to be performed briefly throughout the workday.
This live workshop includes learning a bit of science behind the program, all the stretches in the program, how to independently modify stretches for those with limitations or pain, and what mistakes to look out for and how to correct those mistakes. Correctional coaching is provided by the instructor as able. Downloadable digital poster included with Terms of Use Agreement.
Max attendees: 8 per webinar; 20 per in-person training
Stretch Breaks!® Posters
Full color, laminated, and co-branded posters with photographs and written descriptions allow employees to walk themselves through each stretch. This can be purchased separately or in conjunction with our onsite or virtual workshop. Volume pricing.
Stretch Breaks!® Pocket Guides
The size of a checkbook register, or a custom size, these pocket guides fit easily into a pocket. They have black and white sketches with written descriptions of each stretch. Licensing for digital pocket guides also available. Available with waterproof paper and ink. Volume pricing.
Protect Your Back! ®
(Self-Guided Program)
WHO: All employees
LENGTH: 1.5 hours (optional live demo and practice workshop)
The majority of people have occasional lower back pain and don’t know what to do about it. The uniqueness of our program is that it is safe for all abilities with low time investment. It equally emphasizes strengthening and stabilization for the abdominals, gluteals, and deep low back muscles, as well as having a stretching component. Our program is based on science and rehabilitation principles rather than misinformed fads. This workshop provides an overall orientation of how to use the Protect Your Back! © Manuals, covers the science and theory behind the program, and demonstrates the exercises and stretches in Levels 1 and 2 (out of our 5 level self-guided program) for optimal back health and function.
Protect Your Back!® Manuals
This is a safe self-guided 5-level program for optimal back health and function, based on rehabilitation principles. These full color manuals include tracking guides at each level. Volume pricing.
Protect Your Back!® Video
This video covers an overall orientation of how to use the manual, the science and theory behind the program, demonstrates the exercises in Levels 1 and 2 (out of 5 total) and the stretches. Terms of Use Agreement required.
Management / Safety Committee Training
Train the Evaluator: Office Ergonomic Screens ©
(onsite @ host)
WHO: In-House Personnel who deal with ergonomics, facilities or injury issues, such as HR, Facilities, Safety Manager, Industrial Hygienist, or Purchasing
LENGTH: 18 contact hours
This 18-hour course is designed to teach in-house Human Resources, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Facilities personnel how to conduct office ergonomic screens and basic early interventions to prevent or reverse early musculoskeletal discomfort. Send your Purchasing Manager or Design Committee for extra benefit.
It is approved for:
- 15 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI).
- 15 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) or SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)
- and is eligible for 1.5 CEU points (Category 7) for BCSP recertification.
Live Office Ergonomics Train the Evaluator Refresher Workshop
(see another monthly offer below in the Digital Training section to further support retention of material)
For our in-person offering, this 2-day course (~ 9.5 contact hours) is designed to refresh in-house Human Resources, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Facilities personnel who have already gone through our full 3-day course.
We will briefly review the original content and re-check your ability to identify the ergonomic risks and solutions in photographic case studies. We will also cover more challenging work environments, such as challenges specific to the attendees, Home offices, Call Centers, Reception areas, and Shared workstations.
For our virtual offering, this course will be split into two 3-hour days plus virtual practicals (~ 9.5 contact hours). These practicals will be conducted virtually within 4 months via cell phone, tablet, or laptop video (live or recorded/submitted). Attendees will submit their completed Ergo Screen worksheet. Individual verbal feedback will be provided from the instructor on both the practical and the worksheet.
To Stand or Not to Stand at Your Computer Workstation! ©
(onsite or webinar)
WHO: Management and supervisors
LENGTH: 1 – 1.5 hours
This presentation discusses the economic, wellness, and ergonomic benefits of sit-stand, as well as tactics and strategies to consider.
Creating the Age Friendly Workplace ©
WHO: Management and supervisors
LENGTH: 2 – 3 hours
This workshop describes what happens physiologically in the body as we age and measures to accommodate those changes in the workplace to keep all employees (no matter their age) engaged and injury free. This also addresses ergonomic challenges existing in the workplace that are often present regardless of age.
Ergo for a Healthier Workplace! ©
WHO: Management and supervisors
LENGTH: 1 – 1.25 hours
Teach your management and executives the financial and health benefits of ergonomic interv

Prevention through design is the process for reducing occupational health and safety hazards during design and purchasing processes to prevent work related injuries, maximize efficiency and improve profitability associated with various job tasks and facilities. It is considered a world-class best practice!
Ergonomic Policy and Procedure Consultation
We can audit and co-develop existing policies and procedures within your ergonomic / health / safety departments. This can include topics such as ergonomics mission statements, personnel / committee structure, roles & responsibilities, equipment policies, evaluation request policy, protocols, remote worker policies, general guidelines, and more.
There are special Work From Home considerations.
Ergonomic Facility Design Consultation
We do not want you to build or configure your work areas, furniture or equipment in a way that causes injury risk and human inefficiencies...ultimately wasting money retrofitting later! Whether a reconfiguration, tenant improvement or a new construction, we can collaborate with your architect, design team, and furniture vendors to provide recommendations that suit the job tasks, job equipment, and workflow of your employees. Incorporating custom, expert-based ergonomics (not ergonomic labels) into your design will create safer, more productive, and more sustainable work areas for your people.
We can assist with preparing for a return to the worksite.
Ergonomic Equipment & Furniture Purchasing Consultation
Often, we see a variety of types of equipment in a facility, much of it lacking legitimate or sufficient beneficial ergonomic features. Ergonomic equipment & furniture purchasing guidelines help streamline procurement and avoid potentially harmful or unnecessary purchases on a going-forward basis. We will work with your team to provide a customized list of preferred and standardized ergonomic equipment & furniture based on an evaluation of your space and how your employee’s work. We will assist you in obtaining and rating demo equipment & furniture as much or as little as you would like, building a package based on your specific needs.
Our Work From Home version is a scaled down effort from above.