Life Science / Biotech / Healthcare
Did you know that increasing your employees' comfort will result in a 2-10% increase in productivity? At 2 %, that's a full week of work over the course of a year per employee! How much money is your business losing by not using ergonomics in your business strategy?
We offer ergonomic tools to improve employee safety, well-being, and company profit through consultation, training, and products. Group training sessions or 1:1 consultation focused on reducing injury and discomfort among lab personnel in a variety of settings including, but not limited to, microscopy, animal handling, pipetting, and biological safety cabinets / Laminar Flow hoods.
- Individual
- Task
- Job Position
- Department
- Facility-Wide


Through our comprehensive surveys and workstation evaluations, not only do we identify problem areas, we also provide customized and effective recommendations at all levels of the organization.
Individual Evaluations
Ergo Screen
(25 minutes onsite; 35 minutes virtual)
Our consultants meet with your employees onsite to evaluate their workstation, employ immediate adjustments, and provide a handout for continuous improvement. Within 10 days of the screen, we deliver a brief report that includes a short description of the employee concern and additional recommendations to follow-up on. This is beneficial for new employees!
Ergonomic Evaluation
(45 – 60 minutes onsite; 60 – 75 minutes virtual)
Choose our full ergonomic evaluation for an employee who has an injury, discomfort, or medical condition. We send out a symptom survey and consent form prior to the appointment, then review with the individual onsite. For Virtual Evaluations, we also request specific photos and workstation measurements via our how-to guide. We employ an educational approach and make or suggest immediate adjustments as able and as appropriate to past or current reported discomfort. Within 10 days of the evaluation, we provide a comprehensive report including the employee concerns, intervention details, before (and after) photos, and additional recommendations for your follow-up. We also provide two brief remote follow-ups, and circle back to you to close the case – at no additional charge!
ADA Accommodation Evaluation
(onsite 1.25 – 1.5 hours)
If an employee has an injury or disability requiring accommodation or careful attention to reduce the cause of or aggravating factors, choose our most extensive evaluation. We send out a symptom survey and consent form prior to the appointment, then review with the individual onsite. We employ an educational approach, make immediate adjustments onsite as able, and provide a comprehensive handout. The report has a similar content structure to the Ergonomic Evaluation Report. We also provide two brief remote follow-ups, and circle back to you to close the case – at no additional charge!
Health Fair Consults
(20 minutes (per participant)
Our team of experts offers high impact one-on-one ergonomic and/or wellness consultations on a signup basis at health fairs. Ergo consultations include office or home ergonomic education. Wellness consultations include general fitness and nutrition education, with bioelectrical impedance body fattesting and interpretation available if onsite.
Facility or Department Assessments
Anonymous Symptom Survey
Don’t know where to start? Our company-wide symptom survey is an industry-leading approach to achieve best practices under global safety standards. Administered anonymously to employees, the survey pinpoints areas and intensity of discomfort associated with various job tasks. Our experts analyze the data and provide a summary of findings prioritizing areas of focus to reduce risk factors. When these surveys are used as an ongoing “surveillance” program, they facilitate the assessment and identification of potential health concerns at an early stage, where corrective actions can minimize business impact. This can be repeated at a minimum of 6 months after intervention.
Anonymous Employee Perception Survey
Another approach to accomplish best practices under global safety standards, this company-wide survey solicits employee feedback on perceived risk factors associated with various job tasks such as exertion, repetition, and awkward postures. Therefore, it is the backbone for employee participation in and ownership of continuous ergonomic and safety improvements. We analyze the data and provide a summary of findings. This assists you in recognizing and prioritizing primary areas of focus to reduce ergonomic risk factors. When these surveys are used as an ongoing “surveillance” program, they facilitate the assessment and identification of potential health concerns at an early stage, where corrective actions can minimize business impact. This can be repeated at a minimum of 6 months after intervention.
Traditional Formal or Observation-Only Lean Ergonomics Assessment
(onsite or virtual)
This assessment blends lean principles with our “formal” or “observation-only” based ergonomic assessment to increase productivity, efficiency and profitability while also reducing risk factors for musculoskeletal discomfort and injuries (aka MSDs). These injuries are almost always the most costly, and they are cumulative in nature.
“Formal” refers to us using standardized ergonomic risk assessment tools, and also always includes our professional observations. “Observational” refers to us using our decades of experience without the formal risk assessment tools. With either approach we will take video and additional measurements as needed for contextual information that aids in interpreting risk and developing solutions.
We prefer to collaborate with your employees as well as in-house lean and/or safety team members and/or managers at a task, job, department or facility level. Either way, we will work closely with employees to understand current work methods and restrictions.
We will review the findings to identify engineering, equipment, process, and work technique solutions that will reduce risk exposure for everyone performing the tasks. The deliverable will be a detailed report with short, mid, and long-term improvement ideas for consideration – often resulting in a 2+- year road map of continuous improvement. We will also end up with good material for developing a custom training (described below).
A wonderful way to leverage this assessment is to dual-purpose what’s learned by having us create custom training materials. The best method to accomplish training and culture change that will “stick” is having us facilitate a Task Force to trial and perfect short-term and mid-term solutions which become the new best practices. See more below in our Education section, under “Custom Training”.
Laboratory Task-based Small Group Assessment/Training
This approach is fluid and impactful because we can address nuances of lab-based work in order to change poor ergonomic habits. We provide task-by-task small group (up to 6 employees) ergonomics assessment and training along with facilitated discussion focused on positioning and work method solutions to reduce the risks of musculoskeletal discomfort and injury. Individual concerns get addressed as well. This approach encourages very high engagement, facilitated sharing of best/alternative practices, trialing of new work methods on-the-fly, and development of peer coaching.
Our secondary purpose is to identify any engineering, equipment, process, and broader-scale solutions that will help everyone performing the tasks. The ergonomic risks and solutions will be identified and delivered in a summary report including any discomfort trends, equipment modifications recommendations, and alternative equipment or furniture recommendations within 4 weeks of the onsite work.
Informal Walk-Through Assessment
We use an observational approach to identify occupational risk factors at a task, job, department or facility level. A summary is provided prioritizing risks/hazards that were observed and providing shortterm solutions as well as suggestions for next steps.
Physical Demands Job Analysis
A Physical Demands Job Analysis (aka JA) is a written detailed measurement of the physical demands of a job position most useful for jobs in the Medium to Very Heavy physical demand categories or for jobs that are highly repetitive with awkward postures. This detailed document is the backbone of your Return to Work program and can inform your Ergonomic and Injury Prevention efforts. It eliminates the need for the medical provider to rely solely on the injured worker's verbal descriptions of the physical demands of the job -- and we validate ours.
Our validated JA can then be used for:
Hiring and Firing
- Workers compensation claims medical review
- Early and appropriate return to work
- Creation of light duty / modified duty / transitional Return to Work programs
- Creation of a physical ability Pre-Work Screen
- Compliance with the American's with Disability Act (ADAAA) and EEOC
- Informing your Ergonomic and Injury Prevention efforts
We will take measurements needed, such as push/pull forces, grip/pinch forces, and dimensional measurements.

We provide an array of high impact injury prevention and health and wellness "edutainment" to motivate behavioral change and innovation at all levels of your organization, from the individual employee to the decision-makers.
Manager / Supervisor / Safety Committee Training Programs
The Business Case for Ergonomics
(onsite or virtual)
WHO: In-House Personnel who deal with ergonomics, facilities or injury issues, such as HR, Facilities, Safety Manager, Industrial Hygienist, or Purchasing
LENGTH: Typically 1 – 1.5 hrs
Ergonomics is misunderstood, in terms of strategy, impact on health, impact on productivity, and business benefit. This session will correct those misunderstandings, reveal the true costs of injuries, delineate the continuum from worst to best ergonomics strategies so you can identify ergonomic needs for your organization or your clients, and help you make the business case for ergonomics interventions. We will even help you identify potential next steps. This workshop includes our Ergonomics Benchmarking Survey with individual results review afterward.
Train the Evaluator: Laboratory Ergonomic Screens ©
WHO: In-House Personnel who deal with ergonomics, facilities or injury issues, such as HR, Facilities, Safety Manager, Industrial Hygienist, or Purchasing
LENGTH: Typically 1 – 2 days
Learn content from simply understanding what ergonomic risk exposures are to how to actually conduct in-house laboratory ergonomic screens and provide appropriate interventions. For 2-day course, we will practice using checklists and standardized screening tools both in the classroom and out in your facility.
Creating the Age Friendly Workplace ©
(onsite or virtual)
WHO: Management and supervisors
LENGTH: 2 – 3 hours
Most workplaces have workers considered to be ‘aging’ (over the age of 40), and many employees need to work longer – sometimes past social security age – to maintain their quality of life. Furthermore, several industries are experiencing a shortage of a younger skilled workforce to replace those who are retiring, increasing the urgency with which employers modify the workplace so the older workforce can perform their work both efficiently and without injury.
What does it mean to create an age-friendly workplace? And what are some simple things you can do to help your older workers be efficient and avoid injury? Don’t be caught off guard as your working age demographic shifts! This workshop describes what happens physiologically as we age as well as measures to accommodate those changes in the workplace to keep ALL valuable employees engaged and working injury free.
Ergo for a Healthier Workplace ©
(onsite or virtual)
WHO: Management and supervisors
LENGTH: 1 – 1.25 hours
Ergonomics is misunderstood, in terms of strategy, impact on health, impact on productivity, and business benefit. This session will correct those misunderstandings, explain the connections between health/wellness and ergonomics/safety, reveal the true costs of injuries, delineate the continuum from worst to best ergonomics strategies so you can identify ergonomic needs for your organization or your clients, and help you make the business case for incorporating ergonomics into health/wellness.
Front-Line Ergonomic Workshops & Webinars
Laboratory Ergonomics
WHO: Employees and/or supervisors
LENGTH: 1 – 1.5 hours
This workshop focuses on safe mechanics of the back, neck, shoulder, arms, and wrists. We review the symptoms and causes of discomfort and explain simple positioning solutions to reduce the risks associated with those aches and pains. This workshop can be customized to address common ergonomic issues in a variety of settings which may include:
- Animal husbandry
- Microscopy
- Laminar flow hoods / biological safety cabinet
- Pipetting
- Microtomes
Laboratory Ergonomics Narrated PowerPoint
This narrated Power Point provides general information on risk factors for injury related to common laboratory work including BSC/hood, pipetting and microscopy.
Digital Laboratory Ergonomics Checklist
Our comprehensive form-fillable checklist allows employees to independently make workstation adjustments following ergonomic guidelines and indicate where they are having problems. It covers the chair/stool, work surface (bench, fume hood, BSC), work method, pipetting, microscopy, microtome work, fine motor, and environment.
Stretch Breaks! ®
(onsite or webinar)
WHO: Employees and/or Coaches (Train the Coach – highly recommended)
LENGTH: Live 45-min workshop; live 4-hour workshop for up to 12 Coaches; additional roll-out options
Front Line employees can benefit from performing a few stretches every day to keep blood circulating, improve postural imbalances, and decrease effects of static, heavy, and repetitive movement. These brief stretches are designed to be performed briefly throughout the workday.
Our Train the Coach course creates skilled in-house champions to ensure employees perform the activities with proper form and technique, including any necessary modifications!
Stretch Breaks! ® Posters
Full color, laminated, and co-branded posters with photographs and written descriptions allow employees to walk themselves through each stretch. This can be purchased separately or in conjunction with our live or remote workshop. Licensing for electronic posters also available. Volume pricing.
Stretch Breaks! ® Pocket Guides
The size of a checkbook register, or a custom size, these pocket guides fit easily into a pocket. They have black and white sketches with written descriptions of each stretch. Licensing for digital pocket guides also available. Available with waterproof paper and ink. Volume pricing.
Protect Your Body! ®
WHO: Employees and/or supervisors (TTT)
LENGTH: 1 – 2 hours
This workshop focuses on safe mechanics of the whole body - including the back, neck, shoulder, arms, and legs. We review the symptoms and causes of cumulative trauma and how to reduce the risks associated with those aches and pains. Lifting techniques will be demonstrated and practiced. This training is most effective if it is preceded by 1-2 hours of onsite observation of work being performed. During this observation, photos will be taken and then incorporated into the training for customization, improved retention and problem-solving. Next best option is to send us photos of employees doing the tasks you are concerned about and having a review call to plan the training.
Digital Ergonomics & Wellness Support Training Materials
Laboratory Ergonomics Digital Training Handout Bundle
Our comprehensive collection of digital handouts is the perfect go-to resource to allow laboratory employees to independently make workstation adjustments following ergonomic guidelines. This can be the simplest and fastest resource for your employees to refer to frequently. The “Quick Check” can identify issues needing internal or professional support. You decide which handouts you want to post on your network.
The set includes:
- Lab Stools: regular and Saddle style
- Reaching at your Work Surface
- Work Method and Workflow
- Pipetting
- Storage Guidelines
- Laboratory Ergonomics “Quick Check” Checklist
Progressive General Conditioning Program ©
WHO: All employees
When employees have not exercised for more than two weeks, they have likely lost some physical capacity. After three months, however, the losses can be significant if they have not been keeping up a regular maintenance exercise routine at least 1-3 days per week.
This program can be used to improve the general health of your sedentary or entire workforce, or to prepare employees with physical jobs to Return To Work after being on Light Duty or having been 2+months off work. Please specify which population you will offer this to.
General re-conditioning of strength and endurance to address overall health is a critical component to having healthier employees. We offer general overall conditioning of basic muscle groups, common movement patterns, and general endurance for walking & standing. This program is designed to be uploaded to your internal network. Terms of Use Agreement required. Our program includes the following:
- An introductory manual explaining the purpose of the program and offering guidance on how to progress through the conditioning program.
- Body weight activities with common household items.
- Videos of each activity and its Levels are part of this package.
Protect Your Back! ©
(Self-guided Program &/or Live Workshops)
WHO: All employees
LENGTH: 1.5 hours (optional live demo and practice workshop)
The majority of people have occasional lower back pain and don’t know what to do about it. The uniqueness of our program is that it is safe for all abilities with low time investment. It equally emphasizes strengthening and stabilization for the abdominals, gluteals, and deep low back muscles, as well as having a stretching component. Our program is based on science and rehabilitation principles rather than misinformed fads. This workshop provides an overall orientation of how to use the Protect Your Back! © Manuals, covers the science and theory behind the program, and demonstrates the exercises and stretches in Levels 1 and 2 (out of our 5 level self-guided program) for optimal back health and function.
Protect Your Back! © Manuals
This is a safe self-guided 5-level program for optimal back health and function, based on rehabilitation principles. These full color manuals include tracking guides at each level. Volume pricing.
Protect Your Back! © Video
This video covers an overall orientation of how to use the manual, the science and theory behind the program, demonstrates the exercises in Levels 1 and 2 (out of 5 total) and the stretches. Terms of Use Agreement required.
Wellness Products
Looking for simple, quick solutions to immediately start improving the wellness of your workforce? Look no further.
Wellness Articles
Topics include nutrition, fitness, sleep, and other general wellness issues.
Resistive Tubing Exercise Posters
Feature exercises essential to stabilizing your body and performing functional tasks safely and efficiently.
Stability Ball Exercise Manuals
Feature exercises effective at developing core and joint strength and stability, reducing risk of injury.
Cable Machine Exercise Posters
Feature joint and spinal stability and mobility exercises, enhancing muscle recruitment during functional tasks. Manual features simple, fun exercises that are easy to do anywhere – no gym required!

Prevention through design is the process of reducing occupational health and safety hazards during design and purchasing processes to prevent work related injuries, maximize efficiency and improve profitability associated with various job tasks and facilities. It is considered a world-class best practice!
Ergonomic Facility Design Consultation
We do not want you to build or configure your work areas, furniture or equipment in a way that causes injury risk and human inefficiencies…ultimately wasting money retrofitting later! Whether a reconfiguration, tenant improvement or a new construction, we can collaborate with your architect, design team, and furniture vendors to provide recommendations that suit the job tasks, job equipment, and workflow of your employees. Incorporating custom, expert-based ergonomics (not ergonomic labels) into your design will create safer, more productive, and more sustainable work areas for your people.
Ergonomic Equipment Purchasing Consultation
Often we see a variety of types of equipment in a facility, most of it lacking legitimate or sufficient beneficial ergonomic features. Ergonomic equipment purchasing guidelines help streamline procurement and avoid potentially harmful or unnecessary purchases. We can work with your team to provide a customized list of preferred ergonomic equipment based on an evaluation of your space. We can also work with you to develop standardized purchasing guidelines and ergo criteria for equipment specific to your organization, which can include collaboration with your vendors to create custom order forms or website links. We are here to assist you in the purchasing process as much or as little as you’d like, and offer an extensive list of itemized services to custom build a package based on your specific needs.
This dovetails well with the Train the Evaluator: Laboratory Ergonomics Screens © course, as your inhouse specialist can then use the stablished guidelines with confidence when making recommendations.
Ergonomic Policy and Procedure Consultation
We can develop new or audit existing policies and procedures within your ergonomic / health / safety departments. This can include topics such as ergonomic equipment policy, requests, protocols, remote worker issues, and general guidelines.